Flight- 3D final piece
As an induction project, a one week project, we were given the brief titled 'flight'. In this project we spent a day in each specialism area, days in all 3D, graphics, fine art and fashion and textiles. Inspired by a trip to the BMAG where i discovered Degar's dancers, sculpture work, i decided that instead of taking the direct route of flight, as in aircraft and war study, but to explore the idea of human movement as a form of flight. Degar's dancers particularly inspired me as i appreciated the shape and form of the sculpture. As i could imagine them coming to life, leaping and jumping. 
To explore the concept of human movement and the idea of leaping and jumping I decided to create my own 'dancers', inspired by Alexander Calder's 'mobiles' I decided I would focus on creating silhouettes of the dancers to explore the form and shape when they are in 'flight'. Therefore, I began to sketch out some figures and then decided I wanted to create some cut out versions and did so in a thick card, from this sampling I found that these would not be strong enough to create a mobile. After looking around the workshop for scrap material I found a thin wood material in a few different colours. Using a craft knife I then cut out the silhouettes out of the wood. After creating the mobile I began experimenting with photography and digital manipulation and layering the photographs to create images that to me looked alike a large group of dancers leaping in sequence. 
I produced a large range of photographs of the actual mobile and also, using a shadow screen to experiment with the shadows the silhouettes created.
Furthermore, to develop my concept further I used features on the camera such as shutter speed and moving the mobile I was able to capture elements of the movement of the silhouettes creating a blurred image of a moving dancers, much alike you may get from a real life dancer moving and leaping.



3D works
